Saturday, August 16, 2014

Pinocchio, Vampire Slayer by Dusty Higgins

Netgalley provided an ARC that only goes to the halfway mark of the book [bummer]. Well, the first half of the book was good. Picture this, Pinocchio and Gepetto survive the great whale, but Pinocchio is still a wooden boy, Gepetto begins to warn Pinocchio of the great evil that is coming; but what does Pinocchio [who is still a bad boy] do, he ignores the warnings and Gepetto gets killed by vampires. As they're about to kill Pinocchio he tells a lie and pierces a vamp, turning him to flames, then dust. Now Pinocchio becomes a good boy and sets off on a quest to kill all vamps.

At the halfway mark Pinocchio becomes a real boy and the ARC cuts off, but it left me with such a cliff hanger that I'm now gonna have to go and buy; yes go, as in go to a store, if I have to buy it I want a nice hard copy.

The novel is all black and white, but it totally works with the vampire and old world motif its rocking. So this is definitely a fun read.

Rating 4 out of 5

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